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Now Learn Russian for Free with New Mobile App “Talk2Russia”

People around the world consider Russian one of the most difficult languages to learn due to its complicated grammatical rules, punctuation and at times pronunciations. In fact, any language becomes easier and more fun with proper learning tools. And such a tool to learn Russian is now here. Free of cost!

A new mobile Russian learning application has been recently launched. The new source got name “Talk2Russia”. It was developed by the International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Enlightenment of the Russian Federation. The aim of the project is to facilitate young people and business professionals from all over the world with studying the Russian language.

The platfotrm comprises exercises and studying material divided into three levels:

  • Introductory course includes phonetics and helps to learn Russian alphabet, pronunciation, reading rules get acquainted with the basic intonational constructions.
  • Elementary course (Level A1) teaches to master elementary communication models, vocabulary and grammar.
  • Pre-Intermediate level (A2) comes useful for those who already has basic knowledge of the language. Here one can practice communication models, learn new words and phrases.

The new source also contains educational cartoons and videos.

“Talk2Russia” will come in hand for foreign student and people interested in learning Russian as a foreign language as well as for business professionals dealing with it at work. It will help to understand basic language laws and equip Russian learners with useful every-day life vocabulary.

Currently the application is available only for Android operated devices:

Download “Talk2Russia”
from GooglePlay Store

The developers assure that in the nearest future they are planning to publish the application for iOS-operated mobiles, too.

NOTE: Internet connection is required to run the application properly.
