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On the Dark Side of Freelance

If you are dreaming of giving up your office life and get the freedom of work on your own from anywhere in the world, you should know that the coin called freelance also has two sides. This is not to frighten you, but to make you prepared to situations you might be not aware of. So welcome on a brief tour to the the dark side of freelance.

Your home is your office

Ever dreamt of jumping to the office without traveling for an hour in a crowded bus or metro? After 5 years of feelancing I don’t think that morning travelling to the office is that much bad. With time there is a danger that your freelance work may devour the rest of your life. It will result in the fact that you will literally live at your work. So make sure to limit your working hours with a schedule and folow  it. Otherwise you risk to turn yourself into a freelancing slave.

⚠️ You are all alone in your “office”

Still want to shift to freelance? Then get ready to being alone. NO live comuunication with colleagues and clients. All converstions are conducted online. Ultimtely you may start speaking to yourself 😉 As for me I’m totally comfortable with myself so it depends on your personality. If you need company at your work place, maybe freelance is not for you.

⚠️Constant temptation to be distracted from work

TV, sofa, another snack or cup of coffee… You’re home, noone is watching you, no boss, boss is you. You’re free to do whatever you want and this freesom is tempting. Beeing a freelancer requires self-discipline. Otherwise you risk to fall into procrastination and your work will be not done. And if your work is not done you will not get paid and, eventually, you will not have anything to eat.

⚠️Your earnings vary from month to month

Today you are swimming in a sea of your clients’ orders and getting paid, but tomorrow you might find yourself sit ting without work and just searching for new clients and orders. Freelancer is a multiple-tasked person. You’re a boss, an accountant, a sales manager, a customer support, a secretary, an expert in your sphere and many more. The better you perform duties of each of these functions, the more successful you are. And here comes the next point.

Constant investment

As an office employee you’re provided with technical equipment and training by your company. When you are a freelancer, you invest your own money in everything – your equiment, your working place (furniture), and the last but not least – your education. Continuous self-improvement (you may read here it as self-investment) is a key to sucessful and truly FREE-lance.

Qualities of a successfull freelancer

To conclude all the above-said let’s see what makes a successful freelancer:

  • Self-discipline;
  • Ability to keep balance between professional and personal life;
  • Multi-tasking and time management;
  • Good command over online communication services and apps;
  • Constant strive to self-improvement;
  • Being comfortable alone.
