
Happy Independence Day, India! (awesome HD wallpapers)

Independence day India hd wallpapers
Source: freehd-images

Happy Independence Day, India! Stay in peace, freedom and harmony. Spread your goodness, understanding and kindness all around and within.

Little history of India’s Independence

Independence Day is a national holiday in India celebrated annually on August 15th. The country attained independence from the British Empire on August 15th, 1947.

One of the most significant facts about Indian movement for independence is that it was completely a nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. The first independent India’s Prime Minister was Jawaharlal Nehru. It was he who raised the Indian flag on the first Independence Day of the country.

Nowadays, every Independent Day of India starts from the flag raising and hymn singing. On that day different cultural programmes and events are organized as well. It is one of those holidays that unites all the nations tightly with no regard to religion.

Instructions for downloading
Independence Day India HD wallpapers:

1. Right click on the image.
2. Select “Save link as”.
3. In the pop-up window click “Save”.

India’s Independence Day 2016 HD wallpapers
