Fun Zone

10 ways to have unforgettable travel around the world at home

While countries are combatting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and trying to flatten the curve, many people who planned international travels have now to cancel their plans and stay home. However, the creative mind does not sleep. Cancelling airplane tickets does not mean cancelling all the fun you could have on your travel. Despite the lockdown, you can still keep travelling around the world of you home. Here are some most creative ways how to make most of your quarantine vacations.

#1. Fasten your seat belt. It’s your personal airlines

Did you know that you might have your own airlines at home? Which one is yours: Indesit airlines, Bosch airlines, or maybe Samsung airlines? Right frame, angle and simpe arrangements will make you look flying in an aircraft even though you are just sitting beside your washing machine. So fasten your belts and get ready to have fun on quarantine vacations.

Wasging machine airlines
Your own home airlines

#2. Visiting bathroom for swimming pool

Re-creating your vacation photos can be fun. And your bathtub makes a perfect swimming pool.

Bathtub makes a perfect swimming pool
When you ave to cancel your vacations but not the fun

#3. Visiting waterfall

Had a swim in your bathroom, now it is time for sightseeing. Dont hurry to leave your bathroom. A swimmimg pool is not everyting it capable of. In your bathroom you can find a waterfall as well.

Associative thinking makes your home travels perfect

#4. Italy in your living room

Dreaming to travel along the Venice canals? Well, this quarantine time your gondola is a cardboard box, and paddle is a mop. Set an appropriate background on your TV and your perfect home travelling photo is complete. Now share it with you friends and subscibers on social media and collect likes. 😉

Cardboard box is a perfect gondola

#4. Visiting sightseeings

Time for your gifts brought from your travelllings to work. Search your shelves. Probably you may get a miniature of any symbolic building. The rule of perspective does its work here to bring you to another country photographically.

When you got your own Tower of Pisa

If you haven’t found any miniature of a sightseeing building, awake you inner artist. Put togeter a few A4 sheets of paper, draw any place of attraction and take your photo with your art. Like this you can visit whole world and practice your drawing skills.

When you are an artist you bring countries to your home

Another way to re-create a place of attraction is use of authentic souvenirs and associative thinking. This way you can create abstract but convincing photos, kind of a Picasso style in photography.

Re-visiting Moscow... at home

#5. Take some rest

Check photos of your previous travellings, and select some where you are taking rest. Dress up similarly, use household items to re-create your photo. They can be similar in shape and/or colour. The more unexpected items you select the more interesting photo you may get.

Re-creating travels at home

#6. What about surfing the floor on an ironing board?

Surfing on an ironing board

#7. Mountain trekking

Moutain trekking at home is much easier and even more fun. Just choose the highest level where you can sit, dress up approapriately and click photos.

Trekking at home

#8. Hollywood’s Walk of Fame in your hall

The photo beow is quite a remarkable one. It’s your home and your Walk of Fame. So only you decide what new stars can appear on your Walk of Fame. Use your imagination to the fullest.

Star way in your hall

#9. Photos with wild animals

Engage your pets in your home travels. In case you ave no pets, toys will do the work.

Home travel with pets

Funny kids’ suits can also be used to re-create different wild animals you met on your previous holidays.

Re-experiencing travels

#10. Packing time

Every travel has its end and our home adventure is not an exception. Keep your home clean after making it your dream destination.

End of home travel

