Photo QuotesRussia special

Russia through the eyes of famous personalities (Quotes about Russia)

In the modern world politics Russia has recently turned into a controversial player. One part of the world accepts and supports its line of behaviour while the other world sees in its face a dangerous enemy whose actions and intentions are inapropriate and unacceptable. Besides all this, one cannot but admit that Russia is a unique country (just like all the others) with its original character, mysterious soul, nature and people. Whoever  has ever visited the place could not and will never remain indifferent. The experience (whataver it was but I hope mostly it was positive) is unforgettable. Here, we have gathered the most interesting sayings about Russia by famous  personalities. (We tried to avoid politics.)

The Russian soul is a generosity that has no boundaries. - Dalai Lama -
City: Saint-Petersburg.
The Russian state has the advantage over the other, that it is controlled directly by God, otherwise it is impossible to understand how it exists. - Christopher Munnich -
City: Yarosalvl, capital of the Golden Ring of Russia
If any Russian has decided to do nothing, no one can stop him. - Stas Yankovsky -
City: Saint-Petersburg. Neva river.
In Russia I felt for the first time like a full human being. No color prejudice like in Mississippi, no color prejudice like in Washington. It was the first time I felt like a human being. - Paul Robeson -
City: Yarosalvl, capital of the Golden Ring of Russia
– Have you been to Russia, Mr Kite? – No, but that’s one place I’d like to go. All them corn fields, and ballet in the evening. - “Private Life” by Alan Hackney -
Peterhof Palace, Saint Petersburg

P.S. If you have something to say about Russia, you are welcome to share your thoughts in comments.
