
Oladyi with bananas: Russian fluffy pancakes (veg recipe)

Oladyi are tradition Russian fluffy pancakes. They makes great breakfast and are usually served with sour cream, berries or different jams (varenye). Though the treat cannot be put on a diet list and save your figure, but it can definitely raise your mood if you are a sweet tooth.

There are many variations of the recipe, here are we are offering a vegetarian one (without eggs).

From the following amount of ingredients I’ve made 10 fluffy pancakes. They are very nourishing, so I recommend 3-4 pieces per serving, otherwise you risk to consume too many calories.


Oladyi ingredients

1 glass = 200 ml.

  • whey – 0.6 glass, or 110 ml (you may also use just milk);
  • white flour (maida) – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 1.5 tablespoon;
  • edible soda – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • one chopped banana;
  • a pinch of salt.

Preparation steps

  1. Warm whey (or milk) and melt sugar with a pinch of salt in it.
    Oladyi: melt sugar, salt in whey
  2. Add flour and mix everything well. The better should be smooth without lumps.
    Oladyi batter
  3. Add soda and mix well so it is evenly spread in the batter.
  4. Add chopped bananas and mix again.
    Oladyi batter with bananas
  5. Heat your frying pan with little oil. Do not add so much oil at a time otherwise your oladyi (fluffy  pancakes) will become very oily as they easily absorb it.
  6. Switch the flame intensity to medium and put batter on the pan. One tablespoon of batter = one pancake.
  7. Fry each pancake on both sides until it turns golden.
    Frying oladyi
  8. If needed add little oil during the frying process.
  9. Serve with yoghurt or sour cream / jam, honey, or maple syrup / fresh berries and fruit.

Serving oladyi



