Weird News

TOP5 most weird coronavirus news from around the world

Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has brought changes in the course of life of all the people around the world. More and more countries are either already practising or introducing lockdown in their cities in order to flatten the curve of coronavirus active cases. With the cancellation of all entertaining programms and concerts, closed theatres, museums, clubs, cafes and restaurants, restrictions on public gatherings, people resorted to their sense of humour and witty mind to create new ways of entertainment at home, and business – new ways of earning. We’ve went through the coronavirus headlines on internet and selected the most weird news from around the world.

In Austria people donate alcohol to produce sanitizer

A winemaking Australian company addressed public with a request to donate bottles with alcohol  in order to produce hand sanitizer and disinfectants. Little they knew that their announcement will get such a wide responce. Suddenly citizens started to send their home stored alcohol drink in bulk amounts. The company has received bunches of large carboard boxes full of various alcoholic drinks.

Now you can get coronavirus just for $12

Coronavirus-shaped pendant
Source: ria

Russian jewelers from Kostroma town have created a silver coronavirus-shaped pendant. They emphasize that their ornament of pure silver is totally harmless and helps to kill microbes. The new jewel has been appreciated and come in high demand among the visitors of the online store.

Russians are renting their pet dogs out for a walk

Lockdown has been recently introduced in the Russian capital. Moscow citizens were urged to stay home, many were left without jobs. However, the most quick-witted minds came to an innovative way which would help both sides: extra income for pet-keepers (who might have been left jobless) and freedom to go outside for an hour with a pet for those who are dying to break away from their four walls. The rent price varies from $10 to $38 USD.

King of Thailand self-isolated in German hotel with 20 mistresses

While people of Thailand are fighting to bring the curve of coronavirus cases down, their leader has escaped to Germany. There the king Maha Vajiralongkorn booked a luxurious hotel – Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl – and is staying on quarantine with dozens of mistresses. There is no information whether the royal wives are accompanying their 67-year-old husband. Despite the strict national lockdown, Germany officilaly granted a permission to Thailand’s king for entry and stay in the country.

Citizens of Thailand are not happy with the decision of their leader to leave his country during the pandemic and have launched a new hashtag on Twitter, which can be translated from Thai as “Why do we need the king?”.  People are openly critisize the royal head of the country despite the threat of 15-year imprisonment for the insult to the monarchy.

Nature takes back world’s cities during coronavirus lockdown

Nature takes back world's cities during coronavirus lockdown
Source: insider

“Animals invading the empty streets due to lockdown” – such news are coming from all over the world. Recently a coastal Welsh town faced hundreds of wild goats roaming on its streets while all the citizens were home staying on coronvirus quarantine.

In Japan local deer “residing” in Nara Park came out on tour along the city streets. People who were lucky to witness the free animalls strolling around used the opportunity to click and share photos and videos of rare “pedestrians” on Twitter.

In Italy, the most coronavirus-affected country in Europe, one town was visited by a family of wild boars. Another town welcomed a horse on its narrow streets.

Seems like nature does not need our help. It just needs our nonintervention.
