Weird News

Brave bird fearlessly protects its nest from a herd of elephants

When things come to our family, most us will do whatever it takes to keep peace and protect the sound health of our beloved ones. Same happens in the wild nature. At times scientists become witnesses of situations which seem impossible. This time such an amazing encounter between a bird and a herd of elephants took place in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve.

A crowned crane lost his fear when it saw several elephants approaching the bird’s nest. The winged hero started to show protecting poses in front of elepants trying to turn them back and move in the opposite direction from the nest. The reaction of the elephants is also very unusual. Being stronger that the bird, these huge creature seemed bemused watching the crane raising its wings and making shouting sounds. At first, they were not much convinced by the bird’s  performance. However, the winged warrior approached the elephant calf and tried to explain the need of going away to the baby, adult elephants became little bit annoyd and disturbed.

After a few attempts the efforts of the crowned crane were finally successfull. The elephants left the place and went to gaze somewhere else.

Watch the video of this amazing encounter
