Weird News

Art project offers $2000 monthly salary for switching on/off the light

Have you evert thought of a job which can provide you for the rest of your life and at the same time you will be free from the office routine? From time to time modern job market offers different amazing vacancies but the recent vacancy in Sweden has overdone them all. The opening is announced in the town of Gothenburg. An art project is searching for a candidate for the position of a light switcher.

According to the job description, the duty of the employer will be to switch on and off the light every morning and evening at the railway station. Between the morning and evening duty the person will be free to do whatever he/she wants. The job offers a monthly salary of $2000 USD.

The vacancy is a part of the art project called “Eternal employment” initiated by two artists – Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby. The budget of the project amounts to seven million krones (about $763522 USD). The money will be enough to pay the salary for the next 120 years.

More than 175 candidates have applied for the vacancy from all over the world, including Spain, Germany, Senegal, Pakistan, Taiwan, USA and others. However, the authors of the project do not disclose the criteria which will be the basis for the employment. Yet, the artists are ready to provide all the possible support in migrating to Sweden for a selected candidate currently residing out of the country.

“For applicants outside Schengen, it can be a matter of labor immigration. Within the foundation we will do everything we can to support the selected candidate to take the job”.


Title photo: kues
