Fun Zone

14 Awesome sand sculptures

Art is the reflection of human life. Sand sculptures, probably, are the best examples of the essence of our life. An artist spends days, even weeks to create an unforgettable piece from a monotone mass of mischievous sand grains. He puts them together gaining control over the sand with a little amount of water. In a while, the artist’s tireless efforts and devotion to the art embody into stunning sand sculptures. They are as fragile as life. A slight wrongly done action ruins everything in a moment. But even if not, their fate is not long. The sun rays will dry the water and the wind will take away the sand grains back to the monotonous sand mass.

Same happens in life. Firstly, without any effort we will not success in creating anything beautiful. Secondly, whatever we have create should be taken care of, otherwise it will be ruined. If not by anyone, then naturally it will find its end. And thirdly, we are just like these sand grains being faceless in a mass. But we can unite to form something really beautiful. And this beauty will be remembered and followed by others. Gradually we may end up with a friendly and peaceful world which knows only best virtues of humanity.

These awesome sculptures created from sand makes one to reflect of eternity and the sense of life. In these reflections we may find answers to many questions. Just contemplate these sand creations…

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: imgur

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: wikimedia

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: travelblog

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: wikimedia

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: bostonherald

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: bostonmagazine

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: twistedsifter

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: nobomagazine

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: galleryhip

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: liveinternet

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: egofactum

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: pravda

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: artfile

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: shkolazhizni

Awesome sand sculpturesSource: ok-inform
