Weird News

Woman sends a truck of onions to her disloyal ex-boyfriend as a revenge

In China a heartbroken woman decided to teach a lesson to her cheating ex-boyfriend. She sent her former beloved a tonne of onions and wished him to cry as much as she had done.

The young woman named Zhao was emotionally devastated when her disloyal boyfriend broke up with her  after a year of their relationship. The news that the man did not suffer at all after the break-up made her furious.

The ex-girlfriend ordered a tonne of onions to be delivered to the house of her former partner. She accompnied her huge parcel with a note saying: “I’ve cried for three days, now it’s your turn.” When the onion was delivered, the courier tried several times to contact the recceiver. However, all the attempts were in vain. As a result, the courier took four hours to unload all the onions from the truck near the house of the cheating ex-boyfriend.

The story attracted attention of local press and the representatives contacted the woman to get her comments on her unusual revenge. She said that she had sent the onions to her ex-beloved to make him cry as much as she had.

A neighbour of the man told the reporters that he was not sure if the guilty ex-boyfriend shed any tears beacause of the received onions. The neighbour also admitted that the onion made him cry more as now “whole compound stinks of onions”.

Watch the reaction of the man

Title photo: freepik
