Film Reviews

Terminator Genisys (2015) / Terminator 5: Trailer & Film Review

Terminator Genisys (2015) / Terminator 5: Trailer & Film ReviewMovie: Terminator Genisys
Director: Alan Taylor
Script writers: Laeta Kalogridis, Patrick Lussier
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, Lee Byung-hun, Matt Smith, J. K. Simmons
Year: 2015
Country: USA
Release date: July 1, 2015
Running time: 1 hour 05 minutes

Terminator Genisys is a Paramount Pictures 2015 upcoming science fiction action film. It is directed by Alan Taylor and written by Laeta Kalorgidis and Patrick Lussier. The story characters are the fruit of imagination of James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd. Terminator Genisys is the sequence of the famous Terminator series. However, this time the story of Terminator 5 is designed as a reset of all the five previous films. In the plans of creators is to launch a new trilogy of Terminator. This time we meet same characters along with new ones.

Arnold Schwarzenegger acts as the longstanding legendary Terminator T-800 (model 101). The well-known characters of John Connor and Sarah Connor are presented by newcomers – Jason Clarke and Emily Clarke, respectively. The release of the film is set to July 1, 2015. It will be shown in cinemas in 3D, Real 3D and IMAX 3D as well as in 2D.

Story line

In the plot of the new Terminator, past, present and future have intertwined. John Connor, the resistance leader of humans, fights against machines. On the verge of winning John’s fears seize him. He decides to change the present through changing the past. He gets to know that Skynet is going to attack him from past and future by sending their machines through time. Therefore, Connor’s countermeasure is to send his trusted fighter lieutenant Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984. The mission is to save the life of John’s mother, Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke).

While travelling in time, something goes wrong. Reese finds out that the past is changed. Sarah is being grown without parents as they died. Her guardian is the aged reprogrammed Terminator T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger). He raises the girl preparing and training her for the future. However, young Sarah adamantly rejects her destiny. Meanwhile the Terminator tries to adjust among the human beings. He makes every effort to hide his identity and tries to behave like an ordinary human being.

As the past is altered, same is the future. Therefore, when Sarah, Terminator and Reese meet in the altered past, their mission stands to change the future again by changing present. They also have to become parents to the yet-unborn John. Skynet attack becomes unpredictable in the different past. The main characters have to struggle against two machines, T-1000 and original T-800 as well as against John Connor himself. In the changed future he has been converted into a nanotechnological human-cyber hybrid T-3000.

Terminator Genisys Trailers

Official trailer

Official trailer #2

Official international trailer


What is any Terminator film about? I guess, it is about people who want to show their superiority building powerful machines which later make slaves out of their creators. And it is about machines which want to become human beings, machines which are more likely to learn all the virtues, machines that are more able for true friendship than people.

This time Terminator Genisys is about choices and unwritten future of every person. Unlike in the movie, in the real life we cannot travel back in the past and correct it the way we want. Often we think whether what we do is right or wrong. The movie says that we should follow the call of our heart and soul. People around us may say anything. They may criticize us, they may go away from us, friends may turn to be enemies and enemies – friends. But noone will ever get to know you better than you do. So it is important to listen to yourself, to understand yourself.

If we live according to our heart, we’ll not need to struggle with our inner self breaking it in pieces and becoming heartless machines.

Terminator Genisys Wallpapers and Still Shots

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys still shot

Terminator Genisys wallpaper

Terminator Genisys wallpaper
