Weird News

Scientific study reveals which light bulbs attract fewest insects

Do you know that different types of light can attract different types and different number of insects? The recent study conducted by a team of American scientists has revealed that we can avoid insect attacks using a particular kind of a light bulb. The results of the study were presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

To evaluate the attractive ability of different light bulbs for insects, the scientists used six basic types of light bulbs:

  • a traditional incandescent bulb;
  • a compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb;
  • a halogen bulb;
  • the so-called ‘bug’ bulb which is believed to be anti-insect i.e. less attractive for insects;
  • a cool LED light bulb, and
  • a warm  LED light bulb.

A special insect trap was designed where a bulb was set. There was a schedule for different types of bulbs to be put in the trap. The schedule supposed similar weather conditions for all bulbs. To mention, the experiment was held in summer. Special eqioment was also used to to detect and count the number of insects attracted by the light to the trap. And now make a guess what the results showed?

Overall, 8887 insects  flew into the trap during the period of the experiment. And now we are ready to reveal the results of the study. Meanwhile you may check what type of light bulbs you are using now. Well, here are the results. The most popular light bulb among the insects was the traditional incadescent bulb. It’s light attracted the largest number of different insects. The silver for the most insect-attractive light bulbs went to the CFL bulb. The third winner was turned out to be the halogen light bulb. Then comes the cool LED bulb and the so-called ‘bug’ bulb.

The warm LED light was considered as the least insect-attractive light illuminator. The scientists were surprised with one more result. The study showed that the so-called ‘bug’ bulb/lamp which had to attract the least insects had attracted more insects that the warm LED bulb. Among the insects attracted by ‘bug’ bulbs were such pests as hemipterans (widely known as ‘stinking bugs’) and earwigs.
