Modern kids and new technology: laugh or cry?
The topic of modern kids and new technology is widely discussed nowadays. With the advance of new technology, different gadgets and electronic devices have been becoming available for our kids. At times they become addict to such a hi-tech world and over-use the available technologies.
Undoubtedly, the issue of kids using new technologies is a double-edged sword. On one hand, new technologies is an integral part of the modern world and society. In order to provide a versatile education to children we should make them acquainted with hi-tech devices and services. However, we should also take care of the correct explanation. Everyone knows, the medal has two sides. And very often the reverse side of the medal becomes an unpleasant surprise for most of us. Our children should understand that new technology just like anything may be dangerous. Therefore, it should be used observing all the safety rules.
Here is a collection of comics illustrating the possible reverse side of kids and new technology. The stories will make you smile, even laugh. At the same time they make us think: “Do we want our kids to be like these comics characters?”