Weird News

Science: Living in Dust is Healthier than in Cleanliness

Allergists have foud out that living in dust is healthier than in cleanliness. The conclusion was drawn out based on the research done on the Russian-Finnish border. The scientists have found out that people living in Finland suffer from allergy more often than their Russian neighbours. The reason for this was stated as too clean environment in Finland, Interfax informs witht the reference to the Finnish TV channel YLE.

The research was conducted between the Russian town of Svetogorsk and Finnish Imatra. The climate and the geographical situation of the both locations are similar. Having analysed the collected data, the allergists have concluded that unlike the Russian “bursting-with-life” dust, the Finnish dust is useless dead dust. Head of the Allergy and Environment Research Institute of South Karelia*, Kimmo Saarinen, says:

In order to prevent allergy risks it is of great importance NOT to replace the communication of a human with real Nature by just having a pet at home.

Scientists believe that for the normal development a human has to be incontact with all the variety of natural environment. Aseptic (or sterile) conditions, on the contrary,  do not let the immune system to develop properly.  This cause the process when our organism starts to fight with the naturally harmless agents like pollen (blossom dust) and edibles.

*South Karelia – a region in Finland that belongs to Karelia area which also includes the North Karelia in Finland and the Republic of Karelia in Russia.

Source: lenta
Translation from Russian by VolGanga team
