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Girl drowned because of her father’s rigid religious views

Girl drowned because of her father's rigid religious views
Source: Emirates 24|7 News

In Dubai a 20-year-old girl drowned as her father prevented lifeguards from helping his daughter. He did not want strangers to dishonour his daughter by touching her. That was against his religious views. The man preferred to see his child die.

The deputy Director of Dubai Police’s Search and Rescue Department, Lt. Col Ahmed Burqibah told reporters the circumstances of the tragic incident.

The father (a man of Asian origin) with his wife and children came to the beach for a weekend picnic. One of his daughters went to swim in the sea. Drowning the girl started to scream for help. Two lifeguards rushed to rescue the drowning girl. But the girl’s father came on their way and did not let the lifeguards to perform their duties.

The lifeguards had to fight with the man to reach to the drowning girl. However the man was rather tall and strong so it took time to win him. The precious minutes were lost and the girl was not rescued. She drowned. Thus, the father lost his daughter following his religious views.

It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case. She died unfortunately, at a time when she had a chance to live, especially that the rescue men were so close to her to pull her out of the water, Lt. Col Ahmed Burqibah said.

The drowned girl’s father was arrested right after the incident took place. He was accused in preventing the lifeguard team from rescuing the drowning girl, doing their job and performing duties.
