
Aero Effect Troubleshooting in Windows 7: 3 Simple Steps

Aero effect troubleshooting. Simple steps to solve the problem.

If you have the same problem as I had, read this carefully about Aero Effect Troubleshooting.

My aero theme suddenly stopped working a while ago. Troubleshooting supplied by Windows 7 didn’t give any fruit. Instead, it showed me that Colour Depth was improved but there Desktop Windows Manager was disables. All my attempts to enable DWM from services.msc failed. It showed that DMW was enabled but Aero effect still didn’t work. Recentlt I have solved the problem. it was all of a sudden for, but I felt a great relief that I managed it myself. Let’s start for the very beginning.

If your Aero effect on Windows 7 does not work…

Step 1. Aero Theme enabling and troubleshooting
Make sure your selected theme is Aero. For that right click on any free space of your desktop and select “Personalize:

Step 1. Personalize


Then in the opened window make sure that you have selected a topic from the Aero Themes block:

Step 1. Aero theme selection.

When the appropriate theme is set and if Aero effect does not work on it, in the same window “Personalize” there will be a line saying “Troubleshoot problems with transparency and other Aero effects”.

Step 1. Troubleshoot

Click the line. A new window will open. Click “Next” to start the automatic troubleshooting. Wait when it finishes. During this our screen may blink. Do not worry. Nothing wrong happens. It’s normal.

Step 1. Start the automatic troubleshoot.

When troubleshoot is on, between the screen blinks you can see the enabled Aero theme. If by the end of this process Aero effect didn’t appear and you got the following message, go to the next step.

Step 1. Troubleshoot complete.


Step 2. Enabling Desktop Windows Manager
To enable Desktop Windows Manages (DWM) we need to open a list of services – “services.msc”.  For that click on your “Start” button and enter in the search box “services.msc”. Click on the found item “services.msc”.

Step 2. Opening services.msc to enable DWM

In the opened window scroll down and find “Desktop Windows Manager”. Right click on the item and select “Restart”. The service will be restarted. Then again right click on “Desktop Windows Manager” and select “Properties”.

Step 2. DWM restart

In the opened window make the settings as followed: Startup type – Automatic. Then click “Apply” and “OK”. Restart your PC. If after restart the problem still persists, go to the next step. The last one.

Step 3. Check you video card drivers
As per your video card, you should check weather your video card drives are up to date. I have NVIDIA video card. Now the most interesting starts. Open your video card control panel. For those with NVIDIA like mine, right click on the free space of your Desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”.

Step 3. Video card control panel

In the opened window make sure you are in the correct section: Desplay -> Change resolution:

Step 3. Display > Change resolution

In the right side of the window find “Colour depth” and set it to maximum 32-bit.

Step 3. Colour depth setting

Click “Apply” and Voila! Your Aero theme and effects are with you. Enjoy your Windows 7 to the fullest 🙂 Best wishes.


