Fun Zone

Coronavirus weird fashion: mode “Stay alive” activated

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has activated a self-protection mode in most of the people around the globe. The most demanded outfit item has become a face mask. However, the medical masks were soon swepto off the market due to the high demand. The shortage of face masks is now a common situation in every country. Thus,  people are resortingto their creative mind to invent original anti-coronavirus outfits which at times look really weird and funny. We’ve gone through the posts hashtagged #coronavirusfashion and selected the most outstanding, weird and creative.

Look does not matter, safety is everything!

Coronavirus look

Our minor friends also need protection

Coronavirus pet fashion

When could not get a facial mask in the market…

When there is shortage of face masks in the market

On a quarantine people also are making masks from other dressing items like bras and shoes, and launch different challenges to keep mood up.

Plastic dress cover also works!

Coronvirus fashion look

When you need a new hairstyles during the pandemic, and your stylist is like…

Haircut during the coronavirus pandemic is like...

Just a casual shopping outfit

Stylish coronavirus look

Coronavirus influence on haute couture

During the fashion week in Paris designers could not neglect the COVID-19 pandemic and introduced elements of self-protection in the model outlooks.

Influence of coronavirus on haute couture, Paris fashion week

Self-protection & social distancing

When social distancing matters

Another total body isolation outfit

Coronavirus resistant outfit

If not for coronavirus, they would be thought of as freaks

Shopping during the cronavirus pandemic is like...
Could not find a mask in the market

No mask, no problem. I have a bucket!

Coronavirus casual fashion

Glamourous face mask

I have doubts that it has any protection ability….

Glamour mask

Lovely hat

This one is probably the least weird protection item in the whole collection of coronavirus fashion. Would you like to have such a hat?


When face masks are out of the market

Dishwshing sponge comes to help when the market is suffering from the shortage of medical masks.  During the cronavirus outbreak fashion is the last thhing we think off. Staying alive is what really matters!

Anything works as a mask

Venom mask

Time to look like your favourite movie heroes. Face mask can help you!

Creative mask against coronavirus

Lucky to be a diver

You are a lucky owner of diving equipment? Great! This summer you might not be able to go to the seaside (due to lockdowns) but you can dress up as a diver to protect yourself from coronvirus.

Diving equipment can protect from coronavirus?

Full face mask

They say a full face mask is the best. Well, make it yourself just from water bottles.

Full face mask
