Fun Zone

Three amazing kitchen utensils of the future

Nowadays we face recently developed gadgets in all spheres of our life. The devices are aimed to make our being easier. Here are three amazing kitchen tools which will probably soon be found in every house.

1. Flexible Lunchbox

A flat flexible lunchbox is already available on some internet shopping sites. It is perfectly suitable for sandwiches and burgers which will remain fresh and save till your lunch break.

flexible lunchboxFlexible Lunchbox

2. Spice Pen

A spice pen can write and decorate meals and drinks. Just fill it with any kind of powder spice and create your own stylish meal or drink.

masala-pen1Spice Pen

3. Reflective Cup & Saucer

Gone those times when we had to match the ornament of a saucer with that of a cup. From now on it will not take any time. A cup with a reflective surface perfectly mirrors the decoration of the saucer.

cup and saucer1
cup and saucerCup & Saucer

