Stroll at VDNKh, Moscow

The People’s Friendship Fountain is one of the symbolic landmarks at VDNKh. It represents the unity of Soviet Republic. Each republic is embodied into a golden female sculpture wearing national dress an holding national items in hands. It seems the girls have gathered around the fountain in a circle dance (“khorovod”).

If to look at the fountain standing you back to the main entrance gate, the clockwise order of republics will be as followed: the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Uzbek SSR, Georgian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Tajik SSR, Turkmen SSR, Karelo-Finnish SSR, Estonian SSR, Armenian SSR, Moldavian SSR, Kirghiz SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Kazakh SSR, and Byelorussian SSR.

Four women who posed for the golden sculptures are known. They are honoured Russian worker Raisa Kolganova, Estonian ballet dancer and actress Virve Kiple-Parsadanyan, Turkmen pianist Gozel Annamamedova, and Georgian Rodam Amiregibi who was the wife of Russian poet Mikhail Svetlov.

Peoples' Friendship (International Friendship) Fountain
Peoples’ Friendship (International Friendship) Fountain
Peoples' Friendship (International Friendship) Fountain at VDNKh, Moscow
Peoples’ Friendship (International Friendship) Fountain at VDNKh, Moscow
Peoples' Friendship (International Friendship) Fountain at VDNKh, Moscow
Peoples’ Friendship (International Friendship) Fountain at VDNKh, Moscow

at VDNKh, Moscow
