Russia special

Stroll at VDNKh, Moscow

VDNKh (abbreviated from Russian Vystavka Dostizheny Narodnogo Khozyaystva), or The Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy, is one of the most beautiful and symbolic places in the Russian capital of Moscow. It is the place where one can plunge into the Soviet history of Russia and really admire it. It is an open museum of achievements which became possible due to the unity and friendship of Soviet people and their common will to build a better future for next generations.

VDNKh is the collection of best experiences of the former Soviet Republics. On its territory one can find exhibition and trading pavilions dedicated to every former republic as well as pavilions dedicated to the common achievements in engineering and science.

As the place is situated away from the centre of the city, ,it has not yet become as popular as the Red Square among the tourists. Nevertheless, the huge territory the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy occupies, will require more than one day to visit all its places of interest. Original architectural ensembles, modern art statues, splendid fountains and the overall feeling of something grand will not certainly leave anyone indifferent to this place.

Monument to the Conquerors of Space
Monument to the Conquerors of Space
Alley to VDNKh, Moscow
Alley to VDNKh, Moscow
Ostankino TV tower
Ostankino TV tower
