Our lovely pets at times are so naughty. But when we disclose their home “crimes” they really look so innocent. And we can’t feel anger about them. We understand that with those misdeeds they call for our attention and love. Take care of your pets and treat other animals with love and respect.
I was sleeping… And then it “BAANNNGGG!!!!” The pillow exploded. Thanks god, I survived…
I’ve never left my place…
Who’s unwound the toilet paper while I was taking bath, I wonder?!
I have no idea how it has happened
I am as confused as you are…
I am shocked! Who on earth could do it?!
This plastic bag just exploded! Really!!!
It’s the cat that’s getting me in wrong!
It was like this when I came.
I’ve warned you about problems with the cat.
Just look at me! U am not so strong to make all this.