
Delicious cake “Madonna” (photo recipe)

The delicious cake “Madonna” is a perfect dessert which will hit taste of, both, kids and adults. You can use any topping according to your preferences. Here we suggest using walnuts, chocolate chips and rusk flour (breadcrumbs). At the end, you will actually get TWO delicious cakes “Madonna”.



  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • butter – 3 tablespoons;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • flour – 2 glasses + 1.5 tablespoons;
  • soda – 2 teaspoons (slaked vinegar).


  • sour cream – 600 gram;
  • sugar – 1 glass.

Topping / Decoration:

  • walnuts
  • chocolate crumbs

Preparation steps

Turn on your conventional oven to heat it up to 180oC.

#1. Whisk

Cake "Madonna". Step 1
Whisk three eggs with one glass of sugar until the mixture amount increases three times.

# 2. Mix all

Cake "Madonna". Step 2
Melt on medium gas three spoons of butter and add it to egg-and-sigar mixture. Also add one tablespoon of honey, two glasses of flour and two teaspoons of soda slaked vinegar. Mix everything until it becomes as thick as glue.

#3. Heat up

Cake "Madonna". Step 3

Put your mixture in a boat-bottom saucepan or use a regular saucepan. If you use a regular saucean take a bigger saucepan, fill it with water and put the saucepan with the mixture to the saucepan with water. Heat it up on medium gas until it gains the colour of baked milk.

#4. Put out on the panel

Cake "Madonna". Step 4

Prepare the wooden panel. Spread 1.5 spoons of flour on it and put the dough on it. The dough should be little bit thicker than on the first left photo. Leave it for a while to cool down. Then shape it in a form of a snake and divide into 8 parts.

#5. Making layers and baking

Cake "Madonna". Step 5

Prepare your baking pan. Sprinkle it with some flour. Then take one par of the dough and roll it out. The layer should be rather thin. And put it in the baking pan. The convenional oven should be ready by now. It should be heated up to 180oC. Bake one layer for 5-7 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of your layer. Repeat this step with all the dough parts. Totally, you will get 8 layers baked.

#6. Shaping and breadcrumbs

Cake "Madonna". Step 6

When all layers are ready we are passing to making their shape perfect and getting breadcrumb for the topping of our delicious cake. Take any round object, for example, a saucepan cover. Cut the layer edges so it becomes perfectly round or whaterver shape you want. Collect the cut off pieces. We will need them later for breadcrumbs. Do this with all the layers.

#7. Cream

Cake "Madonna". Step 7

The cream is the secret ingredient which makes the cake “Madonna” delicious. Mix sour cream and sugar. Then cover each layer with the cream. Here we make two cakes – each of four layers. The top layers should be covered with the cream, too. Also cover the sides of your cake with the cream. In fact, the cream will soak into layers and make the cake rich and delicate.

#8. Breadcrumbs and topping

Cake "Madonna". Step 8. Crumb nd decorate with topping. The delicious cake "Madonna" is ready
Crush the layers’ cut-offs into breadcrumbs and crumb cakes’ sides using a broad knife. Decorate the top of your cakes with walnuts and chocolate chips. Leave the cakes to absorb the cream for at least 4-6 hours. Serve with tea. Treat your family and friends. Enjoy!
