Weird News

Cocaine instead of bananas found in French “Auchan” supermarket

80 kg of cocaine found instead of bananas in the Frech AuchanAn amazing banana delivery arrived at “Auchan” supermarket in French Epinay-sur-Seine. In the boxes where fresh bananas were supposed to be, 80 kg of cocaine packs were found by the supermarket employees. The incident happened last week on Friday, April 3, 2015.

The police was called by the administration of Epinay-sur-Seine’s branch of “Auchan” after the staff had opened the banana boxes and discovered that they had been stuffed with white powder plastic bags.

“They wanted to put bananas on stalls. But when they opened the boxes, they found white powder”, the police representative said.

The “cocaine instead of bananas” crates came from the South America. The police immediately became alerted and investigates the case with special attention to all the details and possible sources of drug traffic. Overall the carton boxes contained 80 kg of the drug. According to France Soir, the cost of such a drug consignment can hit up to €4 million.

Just before the French incident, a similar case had taken place in Czech Republic on Wednesday, April 1,2015. A local supermarket received boxes with fruit where a great amount of drugs was found. It was equal to $40 million if to have been sold in the black market.
