15 Stunning surreal foodscapes created by Carl Warner
Nowadays modern art consists of unexpected use of various objects. Such are the art creations of London-based photographer Carl Warner. He invented a new trend in landscape photography – foodscapes. Traditional landscapes are made of edible fresh fruit, vegetables, greenery, and meat products.
After being acknowledged as a successful advertising photographer. Carl Warner was in search of something new where his talent would be expressed in all its fullness and strength. Thus, came the idea of foodscapes. Since then Carl Warner has been creating new foodscapes with a great attention to every tiny detail. For his foodscapes he uses artificial light and composes settings on a specially designed table top.
Although I’m very hands on with my work, I do use model makers and food stylists to help me create the sets. I tend to start with a drawing which I sketch out in order to get the composition worked out, this acts as a blue print for the team to work to.
© Carl Warner
Source: www.calrwarner.com