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Delicious Flourless 3-Ingredient Soufflé Cheesecake by Japanese Foodie Star Ochikeron

Flourless 3-Ingredient Soufflé Cheesecake byYou are a sweet tooth and just can’t keep yourself away from delicious cakes, biscuits and candies? Then you will probably like the flourless cheesecake made of just three ingredients. An ultimately simple recipe is offered by a Japanese Youtube user Ochikeron. The soufflé cheesecake, or Japanese cotton cake, consists of only eggs, white chocolate and cream cheese.

Ochikeron shared the video recipe and how-to make instructions in 2013. However, the delicious 3-ingredient cheesecake recipe has been noticed only recently by internet users. In a short time the video got over 2 278 000 views and was shared widely on social networking websites.

Haven’t remembered the steps from the video? Here is the written step-by-step recipe of the became-famous 3-ingredient cheesecake. It will be ready in just an hour and it is very easy to make. The cheesecake can be served for 6 person and contains 230 Kcal per serving.

3-ingredient cheesecake recipe


  • 15 cm (6 inch) round cake pan;
  • electric mixer.


  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • white chocolate – 120 g (4.3 oz.) ;
  • cream cheese (softened) – 120 g (4.3 oz.).

How to make:

  1. Preheat the oven to 170C (338F). Separate the eggs and place the whites in a large bowl. Let your egg whites sit in the refrigerator to keep them cold until you are ready to use them (which makes the meringue more stable).
  2. Place the chocolate (broken into pieces) in a large bowl. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over hot water (60C/140F). Then add the cream cheese and melt them together. Remove the bowl from the double boiler, add the egg yolks, and mix well.
  3. In a large bowl, whip egg whites with an electric mixer until firm peaks form. *If it’s thick enough, you can turn the bowl upside down without it sliding out.
  4.  Add 1/3 Meringue into the cream cheese batter and blend well with a spatula. Then add the rest of the Meringue 1/2 at a time and mix well.
  5. Rub some oil/butter on parchment paper (in this way, the cake can slide down when it shrinks, so you can prevent the cake from cracking). Line the round cake pan with the parchment paper. Pour the batter into the pan and drop the pan lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
  6. Place the cake pan on a baking sheet. Pour some hot water into the baking sheet. Bake at 170C (338F) for 15 minutes, 160C (320F) for 15 minutes, then stop the heat and bake with the remaining heat for 15 minutes.
  7. When it is done, place the cake pan on a wire rack to cool completely.

Before serving you can dust it as decoration with sugar powder and whipped cream. Enjoy!

Enjoy the delicious 3-ingredient cheesecake by Ochikeron

Source: YouTube/Ochikeron
